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[ox] ad ProsumentInnengenossenschaften (26.8.)

ich hab mich damals nicht gemeldet, als Du Stefan Mertens
Argumente zu meinem Gedankenexperiment sozusagen in
meiner Intention verteidigt hast und die Vorbehalte gegen
das Genossenschaftswesen dennoch ganz klar formuliert hast.
Wollte Dir nur danken für den Beitrag, ich werde wohl noch
einige Zeit brauchen, bis ein passabler Kommentar zu all dem 
verfaßt ist.

Dennoch gibt mir das zentrale Argument zu denken:

smn> Die nichts anderes sind, als Genossenschaften: Den Genossen
smn> verpflichtet und nach außen abgeschottet. Vielleicht demokratischer
smn> als ein kapitalistischer Standardbetrieb aber das geht eben überhaupt
smn> nicht über das Bestehende hinaus.

smz>Das Problem ist empirisch, dass die ganzen gehabten oder noch immer
smz>daseienden Genossenschaften kein kritisches Verhältnis zu Geld,
smz>Verwertung und der ganzen Hölle haben. Die wollten immer nur ein
smz>bißchen anders, gerechter, sozialer tauschen, aber eben tauschen
smz>wollten alle, Kohle machen wollten und mussten sie alle.

smn> Freie Software zeigt da m.E. ganz andere, viel spannendere Potentiale.

smz>Kann man diese Potentiale genossenschaftlich reformulieren und damit
smz>vielleicht übertragbar machen? Das ist meine Frage, die Antwort kann
smz>schlicht "nein" lauten, aber das weiss ich nicht.

meine Anmerkung:

"virtuelle Genossenschaften" meint genau das. Wie ist denn das, wenn die
Produktivität und die Lebensfähigkeit der Genossenschaften nur !! dadurch
indem sie sich ständig erweitern und immer mehr von der monetären Dynamik
abkoppeln und den Kreis der "Genossen" erweitern!!??

habe da ein tolles beispiel entdeckt, aus dem jüdischen Bereich. Die hätten
velleicht das Zeug, zu so etwas beizutragen...

The World ORT Union

ORT is one of the world's largest and oldest international technical
training organisations, having been founded in St Petersburg in Czarist
Russian in 1880 to
provide basic trades and agricultural skills. 

ORT was originally a Russian acronym for Obshestwo Propostranienia Truda,
meaning The Society for Handicrafts and Agricultural Work.

However, since the world has changed somewhat since the days when
handicrafts and agriculture were very employable skills, the skills taught
by ORT have
also evolved in step with technology. For this reason, and due to the fact
that people are always asking "What does ORT stand for?", the rather more
expansion "Organisation for Rehabilitation and Training" has been
retroactively imposed on the acronym ORT!

ORT today is a private, non-sectarian, non-political, non-profit making
organisation which meets the educational and manpower training needs of
contemporary societies in every port of the world. 

ORT build schools, develops curricula, sets up labs, develops high-tech
educational systems, produces hardware, software and courseware and other
aids and publications. It conducts its own educational research and acts
as consultant to many other institutions, including government bodies. ORT
co-operates with industry and is supported by a membership of 250,000. 

ORT has consultative status for information and education purposes with
UNESCO, and observer status at the ILO (International Labour
Organisation). ORT
is a founding member of ICVA (International Council of Voluntary

The ORT network extends to more than 50 countries and the number of
students enrolled this year is in excess of 200,000, with a staff of
10,000 educators,
engineers, instructors and administrative personnel. ORT runs its own
junior, junior high, comprehensive, technical high schools and colleges,
covering an
age range of 7 to 18, as well as offering post-secondary training towards
practical engineering degrees and BSc's for technical teachers within its
own Teacher
Training Institutes. 

ORT co-operates with many governmental and International Aid agencies to
assist and operate programmes at the request of countries in the
developing world.
For the past 30 years more than 250 training projects in developing
nations have been successfully implemented in all forms of technical and
training skills. ORT's aim in these countries is to establish and then
hand over a self-sustaining project which can be operated by a local
trained workforce. 

ORT's curricula are based on a balance between general educational and
technological-scientific awareness and expertise, thus allowing the
student to become
a well-rounded individual. ORT is a socially minded organisation. 

First founded as a private organisation for the benefit of needy Jewish
communities, ORT now extends its expertise to the public worldwide. 

ORT has its own independent governing bodies whose authority is delegated
by the World ORT Union Congress that meets every six years. The Congress
elects an Executive Committee which appoints the Director-General. 

Research and Development

ORT draws its unique comprehensive experience from its own schools and
pursues a continuous process reviewing, updating and upgrading its
staff, equipment and premises. It therefore conducts its own Research and
Development based on an on-going interaction between the students,
teachers and
parents of its schools on the one hand, and the R & D personnel at the ORT
national centres and its headquarters in London. This two-way exchange
is of great significance for the development of the entire network. 

ORT's entry during the last decade into production of hardware, software
and courseware, thus creating its own educational systems, came about as a
of both the experience gained by its teaching staff, and the prevailing
high market prices of educational equipment. 

An average school is unable to afford this kind of expenditure and ORT saw
it as necessary to develop its own educational packages, constantly
the highest standards, and thus saving up to 75% of the cost it would
otherwise have incurred. ORT's partners (governments, municipalities etc.)
requested to participate in this R & D effort in order that the process
can be furthered. 

ORT Resource Centres

Without continuously updating and adding to their knowledge, teachers
cannot be expected to keep abreast of the rapid changes of our
technologically- based
world. ORT had therefore developed its own concept of Technological
Resource Centres - institutes specially designed for the purpose, in which
it runs
seminars, upgrading courses and crash courses in the new technologies for
its own teaching staff and those from other educational institutions. 

Within these Resource Centres, ORT constantly keeps pace with the
development of new approaches in High Technology, Management and
Marketing, using
the most up-to-date training methods such as interactive classrooms with
integrated video/computers. These are specially relevant in the
developing industrial world, and the evolving free-market economies of
Central and Eastern Europe. 


[English translation]
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