
Some statistical figures about mailing list list-en@oekonux.org.

The traffic on the list is prepared as a web site statistical figureLocal link. Find some explanationsScroll below.

Development of number of subscribers

Development of number of subscribers

Development of number of subscribers (3 months)

Development of number of subscribers (3 months)

Explanations for the web site statistical figure

The traffic on the mailing list is processed as if the single mails would be hits on a web site. Thus they can be processed by appropriate tools resulting in figures.

Because a tool like webalizer is not made for processing mail traffic, the terms in the figures and tables don't comply with this special application. However, the terms in the figures and tables correspond to appropriate entities in the mails:

WebSite Mail
URL Thread subject
Hits Number of single mails
Site Mail adress of the author
KBytes Size of the body

Before processing the subjects of the mails are associated with threads. The threads are used as URLs then. The sending date of the mail is used as the time of the hit.

The following terms do not correspond to anything:

Response code
Entry pages
Exit pages