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[ox] what is information?

ergänzend zur mail von franz n. (danke dafür!) diese infos.
und vorab: wissen ist ungleich information. dieses nicht-vermischen 
dieser beiden worte und ihrer begriffs-inhalte finde ich wichtig.  karl.

------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht / Forwarded message -------
Von:            	"Karl Dietz" <karl.dietz>
Datum:   	Mon, 6 Dec 2004 15:32:06 [PHONE NUMBER REMOVED]
Betreff:        	Re: [W2] what is information?

Am 12 Aug 2003, um 13:18 hat Karl Dietz geschrieben:

At least from the scientific point of view, information appears as a
vague and incoherent item. Information belongs to that (not so rare)
category of scientific terms which, after their successful coinage,
suffer so much abuse and overextension that a factual abandonment of
research ensues, no matter the apparent brilliancy or social
acceptance. In the case of information, the scientific excitement
generated during the 40's and 50's -- the formative years of
information theory, cybernetics, systems theory, etc. -- has
steadfastly receded with every passing decade and presently has
almost disappeared, except for some very particular applications.
The FIS-Organisation attempts to rescue information as a central
scientific tool and to put it into a new context so as to serve as a
basis for a fundamental disciplinary development. The novelty of our
approach is that, instead of trying a precise 'atomic' definition of
information, and actually getting quagmired in it, information is
understood as related to a widespread network of processes
potentially involving the integration of cosmic (subatomic),
molecular, cellular (neuronal), computational, human and social
occurrences, demanding both a unifying and a multiperspectivistic
approach. So to speak, instead of the discussion of a single
particularized concept, information becomes the intellectual
adventure of developing a 'vertical' science connecting the
different scales of 'informational processes' -- reminding physics
itself, which from a pre-Galilean particularized term evolved
towards a vertical science connecting the previously separated
"celestial", "sublunar", and "terrestrial" occurrences. 

------- Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht / End of forwarded 
message -------

noch ein schönes zitat:

The people working in Information Theory cannot distinguish 
between the information contained in the structure of the paper on 
which this book is printed and the information contained in the 
printed sequence of letters and words. That they cannot is a 
scandal. The problem is ripe for solution. 
(David L. Hull, "Taking memetics seriously")

und noch eins:

"Was wir um die Welt schicken, sind Daten, nicht Informationen." 
Joseph Weizenbaum

Organisation: projekt

[English translation]
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