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[ox] Copyleft-Kritik 1 - Andrius Kulikauskas

In den letzten beiden Tagen sind endlich die ersten inhaltlich
interessanten kritischen Anmerkungen zum Konferenzmotto "Reichtum durch
Copyleft" aufgetaucht. Ich finde das besonders wertvoll, weil es die
Debatte auf ein höhertes und differenzierteres Niveau bringen wird.

Die erste Stellungnahme /Source= minciu sodas englisch/ stammt von Andrius
Kulikauskas, der ja auch gleich zu Beginn seinen Workshop halten wird.
Dieser Workshop wird nolens volens auch zur Debatte über den Status von
Copyleft führen.

Ich finde Andrius Argumente übrigens nicht völlig stichhaltig, aber die
Sache ist für mich auf jeden Fall wesentlich komplizierter als Befürworter
oder Gegner von Copyleft es sehen. Wenn es uns auf der Konferenz gelingt,
die Problematik differenziert für verschiedene Bereiche menschlicher
Produktivität zu formulieren, haben wir schon viel gewonnen.



Andrius schreibt:

For my workshop at Oekonux, I want to make a "decision chart" for 
helping people make good decisions about when to place content in the 
Public Domain, when to use copyright, and when to use special forms of 
copyright such as Creative Commons or copyleft.  I ask George Pleger for 
help, he will be presenting at Oekonux. 

Creative Commons does have a "decision chart" but I think:

A) it's oriented around legal action (with regard to "rights" and 
"requirements") rather than moral action (with regard to "preferences" 
and "wishes")

B) it's oriented around restricting use (like "no commercial use") 
rather than achieving goals (like "help me make money").

C) it's oriented around how people are supposed to behave, rather than 
how they actually do behave."

und weiter:

"For social networking, it's very important for most of the content (in 
Wikis and elsewhere) to be definitely in the Public Domain.  Any kind of 
copyright (which includes Creative Commons and copyleft) requires that:

A) the license be noted and kept track of

B) the boundaries of the material be marked

and this represents a burden when working with micro-content.  It is a 
tax on the free flow of content needed for the sake of building 
relationships, accumulating repositories of knowledge, and allowing 
others to take over as stewards.

All forms of copyright (including Creative Commons and copyleft) 
restrict the "freedom to fork".  What I mean is that it is very prudent 
to realize that a project like Minciu Sodas or OneVillage or ThinkCycle 
or Wikipedia will come to an end, perhaps sooner rather than later. 

It's important to prepare for the day when we hope that some or all of 
our content may be used by somebody else.  They should be free to 
continue with their own license.  I think it's not helpful for us to 
impose a license on them.  It's presumptious to assume that we know 
what's best for them.  The "freedom to fork" is less important for 
software because "software likes to clump".  But "content likes to 
disintegrate" and so the freedom to fork is much more important. 
Perhaps 1% of our project will have lasting value.  It's not right for 
it to be captive to any particular license.

So I want to have a realistic "decision chart" that helps explain that, 
if we don't want to rely on the power of the courts, then copyright of 
any kind is not relevant or helpful.  But I do want it to help explain, 
in real life terms, when to use copyright, and what flavor of copyright. 
  Anyways, I appreciate discussion on what's important to us in making 
our copyright decisions.

Moreover I want to put together a questionnaire to collect information
for social networking.  That includes skills and capabilities, and 
availability for work.  I want to ask Mark Roest if he might have a set 
of questions regarding that which would be helpful to get answers to 
(for example, from software developers we might organize.) I'll also 
need help to translate the questionnaire into German and other 
languages.  And help collecting answers."

Andrius Kulikauskas
Minciu Sodas

Organisation: projekt

[English translation]
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