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[ox] Re: copyleft fashion design

Aviv Kruglanski hat mir zurückgeschrieben - ich poste einfach seine

hello. thank you very much for all your comments. i
responded below to some, trying to clarify what my
objectives are in taking some of the decisions i did.

basically i am seeing this text as a starting point. i am
looking for spaces where i can open this for debate. 

i will be coordinating a seminar as part of a copyleft
conference which will be held here in barcelona in april.

this project will only take off if there are people
interested in using/developing it. i think a first stage
would be to redefine it between people who are interested
in participating. then, during the course of its use, i am
sure that more problems will turn up. so there needs to be
a structure for addressing these problems.

please tell me what you think.
aviv kruglanski

(zur Brötchenfrage:)

it is critical for the project to deal with issues of
sustainability. how do the participants put food on the
table, or get shelter. i want to create a tool that
responds to real needs. 

just a space for the exchange of
ideas will only  be used by people with a lot of free time
on their hands and i don't know a single one. 

(Zur Frage freier Lizenzen und zu meiner Kritik an der Schwierigkeit die
GPL auf Mode und Textilentwurf umzulegen:)

there is no real effective way of 'enforcing'. i am
creating a definition of the project to try and invite
people who have similar concerns. a space for participant
feedback or a virtual assembly of participants can maybe
help prevent some abuses.

(Zu meiner Kritik am Ausschluß von Massenproduktion und effektiven

the reason why i limited the participation is because i am
trying to create a space where the invisible producers can
network. i would like to protect the space from the
participation of big coorporations. maybe your right. maybe
they should participate. but i'm afraid they have a
tendency to create centralization and eat up the space.
part of the project is the construction of presige. i am
aware that words such as 'open source' are being currently
used to sell companies such as IBM....on the other hand, if
they are willing to share their patterns...this is an
interesting point to debate, imagine a website where people
can post their patterns and sell clothes. it could turn
into just another channel for distribution and advertizing
of several big companies. these companies can fill up the
space in no time. 

it is very difficult to find people who
are interested in producing fashion in a different way. i
am trying to construct the channels for us to meet. there
is a danger in a completely open tool. i want to connect
these processes to a politic or to a range of politics, but
not to any politic. are you familiar with indymedia
( most indymedia suffer from a problem
of extreme right-wing spam. these websites, based on the
idea of opennes, have found that it is necessary to
exercise some amound of editing. i see this as a similar
case. i want to create a network based on some level of
opennes but at the same time based on some degree of

(Zu meiner Kritik an den Begleiterscheinungen niedriger Produktivität in
der Sphäre der Eigenarbeit:)

by creating our own channels of communication we can create
a space where prices are lower than in the luxury sector.
we  compensate for the lower production scale by spreading
via network. the more traffic there is on this sit the more
distribution (of ideas as well as goods). but more
importantly we give the (recommended) option of making your
own clothes as oposed to buying it. of course we prefer
participants (contributors) to passive consumers.

(Zu meiner Anmerkung, daß letztlich nicht Idealismus und Altruismus,
sondern auch und vor allem Effektivität Motivation für freie Projekte

the effectivity is defined by your goals. you do not reach
IBM's goals more effectively by decentralizing the
processes, because centralization is one of their goals.
the breaking down into smaller chunks of large
concentrations of power and control is one of our goals
withit comes the creative conversations we want to have,
the modular products.

Organisation: projekt

[English translation]
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