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[ox] [krisis] Manifest gegen die Arbeit in englisch

hi geert, hi all,

ergänzend zum link von stefan mz.
eventuell ist auch das relevant. 


cc list48. dort sind einige, die auch in der krisis-liste dabei waren, 
die ende juni2003 wg. webspamming geschlossen wurde... :((

------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht / Forwarded message -------
Von:            	"Karl Dietz" <karl.dietz>
An:             	list
Datum:   	Sun, 9 Jun 2002 13:46:49 [PHONE NUMBER REMOVED]
Priorität:      	normal
Betreff:        	[krisis] Manifest gegen die Arbeit in englisch

aus: krisis newsletter
Betreff:  Manifest gegen die Arbeit in englisch


Liebe Freundinnen, liebe Freunde,

die englische Übersetzung des Manifestes gegen die Arbeit ist fertig 
(vielen Dank an die ÜbersetzerInnen!!!). Ihr könnt den Text auf der 
Krisis-Homepage unter den fremdsprachigen Texten finden. Aufgrund der 
Größe des Textes verschicke ich nur den 1. Abschnitt des Manifestes 
zum Anlesen in dieser Mail mit. 

Beste Grüße
Christian Höner


Gruppe Krisis

Manifesto Against Labour

1. The rule of dead labour

A corpse rules society - the corpse of labour. All powers around the 
globe formed an alliance to defend its rule: the Pope and the World 
Bank, Tony Blair and Jörg Haider, trade unions and entrepreneurs, 
German ecologists and French socialists. They don't know but one 
slogan: jobs, jobs, jobs! 

Whoever still has not forgotten what reflection is all about, will 
easily realise the implausibility of such an attitude. The society 
ruled by labour does not experience any temporary crisis; it 
encounters its absolute limit. In the wake of the micro-electronic 
revolution, wealth production increasingly became independent from 
the actual expenditure of human labour power to an extent quite 
recently only imaginable in science fiction. No one can seriously 
maintain any longer that this process can be halted or reversed. 
Selling the commodity labour power in the 21st century is as 
promising as the sale of stagecoaches has proved to be in the 20th 
century. However, whoever is not able to sell his or her labour power 
in this society is considered to be "superfluous" and will be 
disposed of on the social waste dump. 

Those who do not work (labour) shall not eat! This cynical principle 
is still in effect; all the more nowadays when it becomes hopelessly 
obsolete. It is really an absurdity: Never before the society was 
that much a labour society as it is now when labour itself is made 
superfluous. On its deathbed labour turns out to be a totalitarian 
power that does not tolerate any gods besides itself. Seeping through 
the pores of everyday life into the psyche, labour controls both 
thought and action. No expense or pain is spared to artificially 
prolong the lifespan of the "labour idol". The paranoid cry for jobs 
justifies the devastation of natural resources on an intensified 
scale even if the destructive effect for humanity was realised a long 
time ago. The very last obstacles to the full commercialisation of 
any social relationship may be cleared away uncritically, if only 
there is a chance for a few miserable jobs to be created. "Any job is 
better than no job" became a confession of faith, which is exacted 
from everybody nowadays.

The more it becomes obvious that the labour society is nearing its 
end, the more forcefully this realisation is being repressed in 
public awareness. The methods of repression may be different, but can 
be reduced to a common denominator. The globally evident fact that 
labour proves to be a self-destructive end-in-itself is stubbornly 
redefined into the individual or collective failure of individuals, 
companies, or even entire regions as if the world is under the 
control of a universal idée fixe. The objective structural barrier of 
labour has to appear as the subjective problem of those who were 
already ousted. 

To some people unemployment is the result of exaggerated demands, low-
performance or missing flexibility, to others unemployment is due to 
the incompetence, corruption, or greed of "their" politicians or 
business executives, let alone the inclination of such "leaders" to 
pursue policies of "treachery". In the end all agree with Roman 
Herzog, the ex-president of Germany, who said that "all over the 
country everybody has to pull together" as if the problem was about 
the motivation of, let us say, a football team or a political sect. 
Everybody shall keep his or her nose to the grindstone even if the 
grindstone got pulverised. The gloomy meta-message of such incentives 
cannot be misunderstood: Those who fail in finding favour in the eyes 
of the "labour idol" have to take the blame, can be written off and 
pushed away. 

Such a law on how and when to sacrifice humans is valid all over the 
world. One country after the other gets broken under the wheel of 
economic totalitarianism, thereby giving evidence for the one and 
only "truth": The country has violated the so-called "laws of the 
market economy". The logic of profitability will punish any country 
that does not adapt itself to the blind working of total competition 
unconditionally and without regard to the consequences. The great 
white hope of today is the business rubbish of tomorrow. The raging 
economical psychotics won't get shaken in their bizarre worldview, 
though. Meanwhile, three quarters of the global population were more 
or less declared to be social litter. One capitalist centre after the 
other is dashed to pieces. After the breakdown of the developing 
countries and after the failure of the state capitalist squad of the 
global labour society, the East Asian model pupils of market economy 
have vanished into limbo. Even in Europe, social panic is spreading. 
However, the Don Quichotes in politics and management even more 
grimly continue to crusade in the name of the "labour idol". 


 ------- Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht / End of forwarded message -------

zur info auch: der krisis newsletter ist frei im web zu lesen

und: open theory hat jetzt die google miteingebunden. super!!

------- Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht / End of forwarded message -------

...die letzte zeile ist ja nimmer uptodate. sorry. dennoch ist ot auch 
per google zu recherchieren. karl.

Organisation: projekt

[English translation]
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