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Re: [ox] Frage an Patent-Kenner/innen

Stefan Meretz <stefan.meretz> wrote:

Meine Frage: Was heisst "gewerblich anwendbar"?
- dass die Erfindung tatsächlich auf gewerbliche Anwendung abzielt?
- dass die Erfindung potenziell auf gewerbliche Anwendung abzielt
 - unabhängig von einer tatsächlichen gewerblichen Nutzung?

Susceptibility of industrial application has nothing to do with use of 
subject matter covered by a patent. It is requirement for its granting. 
From four basic requirements the most minor one. In practical terms it 
excludes from patentability only a few subject matters which are not 
exluded as non-inventions. One class of them are processes and articles 
alleged to operate in manner contrary to well-established physicals 
laws, eg. perpetum mobile. 
More: Guidelines for examination in the EPO, Industrial application

Historically a role of susceptibility of industrial application was 
more prominent. When in landmark Rote Taube BGH Beschluss of 1969 is 
raised a problem of repeatability as a condition of patentability, it 
is an indirect reference to industrial application.

Jozef Halbersztadt
PL - Patent Office

Organisation: projekt

[English translation]
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