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Re: [ox] Artikel zur Debatte um Urheberrecht

Thomas fragt

   > Interessanter Beitrag und ein deutliches Wort auch an alle, die an
   > so was wie VG Wort rumsäbeln wollen, genau hinzuschauen, was sie
   > damit _heute_ anrichten würden.

   Was verstehst du genau unter "rumsäbeln"? 

Das, was Lunkewitz auch sagt: Dass Mechanismen wie VG Wort _heute_
auch nur zurück zu fahren bedeutet, den big playern der IPR in die
Arme zu arbeiten. 

Zwei Zitate aus [Verzola], 

  The key to the transformation of a monopolistic information economy
  towards a non-monopolistic information economy is to replace
  monopolistic IPRs with other means of rewarding intellectual
  activity. This transformation will of course be opposed to the very
  end by the cyberlord class, which furthermore is politically and
  economically very strong. As the privatization process subsumes
  under cyberlord monopolies more and more of what is now public
  domain information, the public of information users will acquire a
  higher level of political consciousness, and this struggle will
  eventually express itself as the main conflict in a monopolistic
  information economy. As such, it will increasingly manifest itself
  in cultural, economic as well as political fronts.


  Compulsory licensing. The most important demand for breaking the
  information monopolies of cyberlords is the retention of compulsory
  licensing and the expansion of its coverage.

  Compulsory licensing works as follows: Somebody who wants to
  use/commercialize patented or copyrighted material approaches NOT
  the patent or copyright holder, but the government for a license to
  do so. The government grants the license, whether the original
  patent or copyright holder agrees or not, but compels the licensee
  to pay the patent/copyright holder a royalty rate that is fixed by
  the government (or by law). Many countries in the world have used
  and continue to use compulsory licensing for important products like
  pharmaceuticals and books.


Organisation: projekt

[English translation]
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