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Re: [ox] Re: Reproduktion, Arbeit, Leistungsprinzip?

c) dieses Tun (oder Unterlassen) damit bedeutsam und bedeutungsvoll im 
menschlicher Gesellschaftlichkeit ist, was ansich schon bei einem 
gesellschaftlichen Wesen "Anreiz" (euer Denglisch um jeden Preis geht mir 
übrigens auf den Geist) genug ist.

Kannst du das noch argumentativ unterfüttern? Wäre ja nett, wenn wir
das einfach behaupten können. Du meinst, daß diese Bedeutsamkeit
gerade das Selbstentfaltungsinteresse nach gesellschaftlicher
Reproduktion wäre, von dem ich oben fabuliert habe?

Lieber Stefan und alle,

ja, da hast Du recht. War online "aus der Hüfte geschossen" und von daher zu 
kurz. Was ich gemeint habe ist, daß der Doppelcharakter der Arbeit im 
gemeinen, alltäglichen Arbeitsbegriff nicht deutlich wird, sondern der 
konkret-materielle und der sozial-abstrakte Gehalt in eins fallen. Ich 
beziehe mich dabei auf Moishe Postone. Zwar ist Zitieren eigentlich kein 
Beitrag zur Diskussion, aber ich mach das jetzt mal unter dem Vorwand, daß 
Graham  was ohne Übersetzungshilfe lesen kann:

"This 'secularisation' of labour and its products is a moment of the 
historical process of the dissolution and transformation of traditional 
social bonds by a social mediation with a dual - concrete-material and 
abstract-social - character. The precipitation of the former dimension 
proceeds apace with the construction of the latter. Hence, ..., it is only 
apparently the case that with the overcoming of the determinations and limits 
associated with overt social relations and forms of domination, humans now 
freely dispose of their labour. Because labour in capitalism is not really 
free of nonconscious social determination, but itself has become the medium 
of such determination, people are confronted with a new compulsion, one 
grounded in precisely that which overcame the compelling bonds of traditional 
social forms: the alienated, abstract social relations that are mediated by 
labour. These relations constitute a framework of 'objective', apparently 
nonsocial constraints within which self-determining individuals pursue their 
interests - whereby "individuals", and "interests" seem to be ontologically 
given rather than socially constituted. That is, a new social context is 
constituted that appears neither to be social nor contextual. Put simply, the 
form of social contextualisation characteristic of capitalism is one of 
apparent decontextualisation.
(Overcoming nonconscious social compulsion in an emancipated society, then, 
would entail "freeing" secularised labour from its role as a social 
mediation. People could then dispose of labour and its products in a manner 
free from both traditional social limits and objective social compulsion. On 
the other hand, labour, although secular, could once again be imbued with 
significance - not as a result of nonconscious tradition but because of its 
recognised social importance as well as the substantial satisfaction and 
meaning it could afford to individuals.)
(Time, Labour, and Social Domination, Moishe Postone, S. 174). 

In diesem Sinne:

Leben und Ehre, Petra

Organisation: projekt

[English translation]
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