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Über ein paar Zwischenstellen habe ich Folgendes erhalten.

						Mit li(e)bertären Grüßen


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Hallo Nasen,

ich habe gerade ein bißchen Slashdot gelesen (während mein Rechner ein
paar Daten verrechnete ! :) und bin da auf was gestoßen, was ich
einfach nicht glauben kann. Es geht um irgendwelche Lehrbücher für
Zahnärzte, die jetzt wohl von einer Firma in digitaler Form vertrieben
werden und bei denen Du jährlich dafür bezahlst, es lesen zu können !!!
Und einer der Kommentare hat bei mir eine Frage aufgeworfen:

Missing the point (Score:5, Interesting)
by Veteran on Monday August 28, @04:32PM MET
By far the most important part of this is the ability of the producing
company to turn off your ability to read the book.

This means that whoever produces the 'books' will have a lifetime
ability to extort money from you: "Pay the yearly 'licensing fee' or
we won't give you this year's encryption key."

Of course this year's encryption fee is just the 4 digit year (i.e.
2000, 2001) etc. but the DMCA forbids you to figure that fact out -
since that is 'breaking a digital protection method'. The DMCA even
forbids you to set the wrong date in the computer's clock to spoof a
time when you had a good password - since that is 'bypassing a
protection means', and subjects you to the draconian penalties of the

IST DAS WAHR???? Geht der DCMA so weit??

Je mehr man über den DCMA liest, umso weniger kann man glauben, daß das
ernstgemeint ist! Es ist aber wohl wirklich so gemeint! Amerika ist
wohl wirklich das "evil empire"...

Und weils so schön finster ist, habe ich hier noch ein paar postings zu
diesem thread gesammelt:

Thought experiment (Score:4, Insightful)
by FascDot Killed My Pr on Monday August 28, @03:56PM MET (#21)
(User #24021 Info)

Imagine a world where ALL textbooks are password-protected,
time-limited, etc. How does Steve Wozniak learn electronics? How does
Edison learn physics or engineering? How does ANY person of limited
means learn ANYTHING? And how do we pool our knowledge on anything from
"how do you set the VCR clock" to "how do you make starship"?

There are powerful societal reasons to keep information transfer as
free (in all senses of the word) as possible. Unfortunately, these
reasons don't translate well into the language of capitalism. There is
no way to say "a rising tide lifts all boats" in Capitalismese.

Discussion question: How do you explain this to business people (who
run the country) OR build it into the economy?

- --

Real life doesn't have a consistent UI--why do my apps need one?

You Let them tie their own rope (Score:4, Insightful)
by FreeUser on Monday August 28, @04:57PM MET (#178)
(User #11483 Info)

Discussion question: How do you explain this to business people (who
run the country) OR build it into the economy?

You don't.

You let them tie their own rope and hang themselves with it.

The United States, as the world's current sole superpower, is enjoying
unprecendented economic prosperity. Unprecendented. In this climate I
have found it impossible to discuss, much less make clear, a number of
topics, all of which seem obvious to those of us who read slashdot and
are informed on the issue, and are apparently unfathonable by most of
those who do not:

- -The very real structural and systemic threats against our democratic
system and the concerted efforts to undermine the same by certain
corporate interests
- -The threats to our rights as citizens incorporated in new legislation
such as the DMCA
- -The attack on our rights to fair use current MPAA and RIAA litigation
poses, and the threat that in turn poses to free (as in speach)
education and dissemination of information
- -The attacks on our privacy via key escrow, etc.
- -The profound political corruption at all levels that is allowing such
an attack, unprecidented in both width and depth, on our very
constitution itself

Like the people of Philidelpha in the 1970s who refused to believe
their mayor and police could do any wrong because crime was down
(mainly as a result of their torturing prisoners and witnessess alike
to coerce testimony and insure convictions, and the fact that they were
terrorizing disadvantaged groups into submission), no one wants to hear
negative or unsettling commentary on This Great Nation(tm) when things
are so good. Add to that the specter of being considered "unamerican"
or "unpatriotic" if you should be so uppitty as to criticize Our
Leaders(tm), and you have an environment in which people are adamantly
unwilling to listen to, much less believe, anything which even smacks
of a pessimistic commentary on what is going on.

I can't even get friends who are activists in other areas of life to
listen (and you would thing, as politically active and motivated
people, they would at least be willing to ponder the topic). The degree
of denial and unwillingness to look at and consider evidence that runs
contrary to the common meme of "America is the greatest place on earth
bar none!" is probably impossible for those to grasp who haven't been
confronted with it directly. It is truly remarkable!

In a very real way we are being fattened for the slaughter.

I am slowly concluding that you simply cannot make people hear what
they do not wish to hear. Soon enough the consiquences of this
unwillingness to be informed will make themselves felt.

More importantly, if other countries are smart enough to persue more
intelligent intellectual property policies, they will quickly become
more competetive than the United States and economic fortunes will
shift. Then, and only then, will Americans sit up and take notice.

On the other hand, if the rest of the world follows America to hell,
well then, we can all roast marshmellows over the brimstone together.


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