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[chox] gnuLinEx auf LinuxTag - via keimform.de

Ende dieses Monats findet wieder der jährliche LinuxTag <http://www.linuxtag.org/2007/> statt, diesmal in Berlin (30. Mai bis 2. Juni, Messegelände unterm Funkturm). Das gesellschaftliche Potential von Freier Software bzw. von Peer-Produktion <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commons-based_peer_production> ist in dem Vortragsprogramm <http://www.linuxtag.org/2007/de/conf/events.html> allerdings kein Thema, soweit ich das sehe.

In eine gesellschaftlich relevante (aber nicht gesellschaftskritische) Richtung geht gerade mal ein Vortrag, in dem es um die Überwindung der Digital Divide <http://www.freie-gesellschaft.de/wiki/Digital_Divide> geht: /90,000 Installations of gnuLinEx in Extremadura/ <http://www.linuxtag.org/2007/de/conf/events/vp-samstag/vortragsdetails.html?talkid=118>:

   Extremadura is a region located in the west of Spain with over a
   million inhabitants and apart from services, farming is the second
   sector employing workers. Extremadura is also the poorest region of
   Spain with an unemployment rate of 16%. In 1997 we started working
   on the Regional Strategy of Information Society of Extremadura
   (Infodex European Project) and in 1998 the President of Extremadura
   proposed strategy for the regional development model taking
   advantage of the possibilities offered by the New Information and
   Communication Technologies. [...] To be able to achieve those
   purposes we needed adaptability, economy, feasibility, security and
   universal access of citizens to the tools. That is the reason why we
   chose a free software based operating system called gnuLinEx.

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[English translation]
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